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Barker Family Album

The Barker Family Album

The young lady pictured below (in this very poor enlargement from an older photograph) is Carole Barker.  It is her family that is honored here.  This album contains the photographic history of the Barkers.

Beginning with William R. Barker (b. 1800) and Annie Elizabeth Barker (b. 1809) both born in North Carolina, and progressing down the decades to her own immediate family nearly two centuries later, she covers her family thoroughly and, in a few words, introduces you to many of her own "Special Cousins".

You'll enjoy meeting her family.  In their ranks you'll find honorable gentlemen of high regard in their respective communities and beautiful ladies, there are mischievous youngsters, and even a nineteenth century railroad engineer.  You'll read bits and pieces of family stories -- cherished tales handed down over the years from parent to child.  She also offers her family genealogy to help you tie all these wonderful people together.  The Lauderdale County Web web site is pleased to present the family album of a Lauderdale County family.

Barker Family Album I >>

Barker Family Album II >>

Barker Family Genealogy >>

Carole Barker's Web Site

If you're a member of the Ancestry.Com genealogy web site, you can learn more about the Barker Family by visiting "The Barker Family Tree" in the public trees section of Ancestry.  Once you have logged on to the Ancestry.Com site, search for William R. Barker, b. 1800 in North Carolina, d. 1891 in Mississippi.

If you have information you'd like to forward to Carole, who continues her family research, you'll find her own web site listed above.  If you'd like to comment on the format or should you find an error on the web site, please contact the .



Page Last Updated:   Sunday, 23 April 2017


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